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Office of Student Affairs

Student Activity Center

Contact Info

E-Mail: osa@mail.lhu.edu.tw
Office:Student Activity Centerl (3th Floor)

Student Guidance Division

  1. new students' orientation and guidance
  2. student dormitory application and management
  3. student emergency, accident and disaster management
  4. student award and punishment processing
  5. student award and punishment committee
  6. lost and found
  7. military service
  8. financial aid
  9. student loans
  10. student self-governing body training and seminars
  11. public safety committee

Health Division

  1. Health Service
  2. Health Examination
  3. Insurance
  4. Communicable Disease Control

Student Activity Division

Services provided by this section include:

  1. Managing 81 student clubs (81個學生社團)
  2. Accepting scholarship and funding applications(獎助學金申請)
  3. Publishing The office of Student Affairs Weekly newsletters(學務處週報)
  4. Supporting Service-Learning courses (服務學習課程及支援)
  5. Holding Student Annual Events: School Anthem, carnival and stage play contests(學生年度活動: 校歌比賽, 嘉年華比賽, 話劇比賽)
  6. Organizing Anniversary celebration (校慶)
  7. Organizing Graduation ceremony (畢業典禮)

Counseling and Career Development Center

  1. Individual counseling and consultation
  2. Group counseling and workshop on various topics (e.g. gender, relationship, career development…etc.)
  3. Psychometric scales of various aspects (interpersonal, personality, interest, values…etc.)
  4. Psychology and counseling books/videos
  5. “Hsin Yuan” club, student volunteers for Counseling center
  6. Speech of Psychoeducation and various topics (e.g. mental health, relationship, career development… etc.)
  7. Student appeal receiving
  8. Career status survey of graduated student
  9. Resources providing for special education students