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High-end Processing Technology and Intelligent Machinery Production Line Laboratory

High-end Processing Technology and Intelligent Machinery Production Line Laboratory


Since 2018, Ministry of Education (MOE) and industries continuously supported Lunghwa University to set up the "Advanced Precision Machining Technology and Smart Machinery Production Field” and to replace old machine tools for the promotion of multi-axis precision technology, 3D Printing technology, robot processing and AI application in smart machinery production lines, and robot engineer certification.

The content of the field includes Smart manufacturing field, Robotics Machining Field, and Robotics Practice Training Field. The goal is to cultivate the precision processing talents required by the metal industry, and to cooperate with domestic and foreign industries in technology. At the same time, the processing and 3D printing technology is used to the precision investment casting, and extended to cultural and creative products, glass and jewelry products with high added value.

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